
Bibdesk templates
Bibdesk templates

Looking at the htmlExportTemplate.html file first, this is a relatively simple html document, with a standard header, a link to the external CSS file, and a single "content" div in the body. Control-click or right-click on a file in this list to either reveal it in a Finder window, or open the file with your favorite viewer or editor. Click on the triangle to the left of "Default HTML template" to reveal the list of template files for this template. You can also find these template files from the Templates pref pane. Generally, only the first of these template files is required. For HTML export, there are 3 template files: htmlExportTemplate.html, htmlItemExportTemplate.html and htmlExportStyleSheet.css. You can find a set of default template files in the folder ~/Library/Application Support/Bibdesk/Templates. The file extension should change to reflect the output format, i.e. This also leads to a save box, but with the addition of a dropdown menu at the bottom of the save box where a template can be selected. In order to use a non-default template the last menu item "Using Template" should be selected. A standard save box will then open, allowing you to choose the name of the html file, and also the location on your hard drive. To use the default template, select the "HTML" item from the export submenu. You can either export the whole database, or just the references which you have selected. The Export submenus can be found in the File menu of BibDesk. Apart from export, templates are used for the pretty printed previews in the main window, copying, and services, and moreover can be used for dragging and emailing.

bibdesk templates

Other Uses for TemplatesīibDesk uses templates in various places. There will also be links to templates which have been written by BibDesk users for further discussion or to post templates, use the BibDesk-users mailing list. Thus an HTML template can also be used as a template for export to these programs.

bibdesk templates

Beyond their obvious application as files for web bibliographies, HTML is a common import format in many word processors, such as Apple's Pages and TextEdit, Microsoft Word et al. This document will mainly concentrate on the export to HTML files.


This page will expand upon the information in the Manual, and describe how to create templates to meet your own needs, and how to set up BibDesk to use your own templates.

bibdesk templates

You can find an explanation of the use of templates for export in the Manual, also included in the BibDesk Help Menu. As well as providing a convenient means to create a database of documents to include in a bibliography, using the standard LaTeX/BibTeX route, BibDesk can also export a whole database, or a selection of the database to a number of other formats, including HTML, RTF, and the Word DOC format.

Bibdesk templates